How Much Power Am I Giving Social Media?

Social Media: Those two words are very prevalent in today's society, weighing heavily on minds young and old. There is not a day that goes by, where I don't see or hear some sort of reference to Facebook, Instagram, You-Tube...etc. whether it be through conversation or on a commercial. I am not saying that this is a bad thing. In fact, these can be very good mediums of communication, helping us to stay in touch with those near and far that you don't get to see often. Social Media can also be a good tool to encourage others. 


I often ask myself, "How am I letting Social Media influence my life? How much power am I giving it over my duty as a daughter of Christ, mother, homemaker, and wife?". Oftentimes, the answer is, "Too much."

The easy access to it on my phone makes it nearly impossible to not constantly want to scroll my timelines and see what the latest post or story is. It's right there at my fingertips...One click away! Checking my social media pages or seeing what the latest vlogs were on You-Tube became all to easy. As soon as I would wake up in the morning, I would grab my phone; during the day, if I had any free time, you could bet I was checking Facebook! As if my life depended on it. How did I ever survive without it? (insert laughing emoji).

Rather than letting these patterns continue, I made a decision. I deleted the apps from my phone! BAM! Just like that. At first I was like, "Yeah! I've got this." Then after an hour or two passed, I found myself wondering where my phone was...grabbing it and unlocking my phone, as if facebook was waiting there to be checked. It had become a habit..a habbit that took crucial time away from my life that I could've been using to pray or focus on my son more. After the first day of not having the social media apps on my phone, it got much easier. Repetition is a great friend when forming a habit.

Now, after about a month and a half of no social media apps on my phone, I no longer feel like I NEED to check facebook/instagram. I allow myself a short period in the evening time when my husband gets home from work and can watch the baby, when I need to take a breather. The interesting thing is, I now find that I am bored with it when I get on Facebook/Instagram. I no longer feel that pull from it. When I do get on, I go directly to pages that have a positive influence on my life..accounts that really inspire me to be a better Catholic/mother/wife/homemaker. I am not just aimlessly scrolling out of boredom. Not having social media constantly at my fingertips has greatly improved my prayer-life and the kind of mother that I am.  I will list a few of the social media accounts that I follow below! 

Instagram Accounts:
A Catholic Mom's Life
One Hail Mary At A Time
Finding Philothea
Courtney Collingsworth Metz
Kristine Nicole Young
Emily Wilson
Blessed Is She

Facebook Pages:
A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
Women of Grace
Walking with Purpose
Unveiled Wife
Blessed Is She

I just wanted to share my personal experience with social media, in hopes that it would be somewhat of an encouragement! 

Have A Blessed Week,


  1. Everything you said about social media is so true! Our lives are so much better and more fulfilling when not lived in front of a screen - something most of our generation struggle to keep in moderation. I have always found it easier to just ignore it completely haha! ;) That being said, we do need to hear encouraging voices, so thank you for your list of suggestions. I checked out A Catholic Mom's Life and she is great! I'm looking forward to trying the others :)

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words, Sarah! I am so glad that you found a Catholic Mom's Life to be a good resource. Yes! Please do check out the others, I am certain you will enjoy them as well.


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