Simple Workout Hacks For The Busy Mom

Sometimes it can be hard to find the time or motivation to exercise. I have never been the type of person who likes to follow a workout regimen or video. 

For some reason, I don't get any satisfaction or fulfillment from exercising inside, following a step-by-step video routine on the tv from an instructor.

I am most motivated to exercise when I can turn daily/weekly activities with my son into exercise. I know this probably sounds ludicrous...but here are some examples of what I am talking about:
1. Instead of driving to story-time at the library every week, we walk because the library is only a few blocks over.

2.When my son is fighting his sleep, I normally put him in our jogging stroller and use it as a time to get some cardio in. It usually turns into a 20-30 minute walk.

3. My son LOVES to dance...If my little man is being fussy while I am trying to get household stuff done(dinner, folding laundry etc..), I turn the time into an impromptu dance session! I am able to get some cardio in while occupying my son and getting my tasks done at the same time!

4. My son and I practically live outside these days with the weather being so nice...& normally this involves me playing "chase" with him in the yard, playing kickball with him, pulling him around the yard in his wagon, or chasing him to get a rock out of his mouth, all of which add up to be a cardio workout, haha!

5. When I go on daily walks with my son, I normally take advantage of the levee several blocks away from our house and use that as an opportunity to get some leg workouts in. Normally I push the stroller up and down the levee a couple times and boy does that get my muscles burning!

Now, you may be thinking that these are super obvious, but I was just hoping to bring a little encouragement to those mamas who wish they had just a few more hours in their day and wish they could have time to fit in more are already getting in more than you realize if you stop and think about it. Chasing after and keeping up with kids is exercise in and of itself! 

There are times when I do exercises that are more specific to certain areas of my body (sit ups, crunches...etc.) but it is very rare that I think about doing these(just being honest here hah!).

I hope you enjoyed this post and found it relatable! Please feel free to share ways that you turn everyday activities into exercises!

Here's to happy and healthy living!


  1. Haha! You make me feel better ;) I love this blog and you're so right!

  2. Plus, the pictures of your little boy are adorable!!! He's getting so big :) I love seeing his pictures when you put them in one of your blogs!

    1. Aww thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoy my posts! <3


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