Can I Really Live Without Them?

No fast food. No refined sugar. No meat. No dairy.
You heard that right...I am going Vegan! I actually have already started this transition. 

At this point I may sound a little (or a lot) crazy. Let's be honest, I know this sounds absurd, but after reading the The Vegan Starter Kit by Neal Barnard & Eat Pretty  by Jolene Hart, I saw food and the way we nourish our bodies from a whole different perspective. Wow. Just wow..
Candy/cookies/cakes(& other foods containing white flour/refined sugars), hormone-infused meats, dairy products, and greasy fast food all cause negative affects on our bodies. At this point you are probably thinking, "Wow Adele, thanks for stating the obvious." I knew this stuff, but I didn't actually know the major disruption they cause in our bodies, and how they alter our bodies building blocks. They cause rises in insulin, inflammation, high cholesterol, increased sebum(oil) production, increased fat storage, and rises in hormone levels.There are molecules called "AGES" found in processed foods that attack the good molecules in our body. The consequences are high blood pressure, weight gain, skin issues, and life-threatening side effects. Processed foods/dairy products/meats may taste good, but unfortunately, the taste, as we know, doesn't last as long as these negative side effects on our bodies do.

I have been searching and learning about various diets so that I can be the healthiest version of myself...not just for me, but for my family. So far, I am sold on the Vegan diet. Through my research and reading, I have learned a few tid-bits that I'd like to share:

Fun-Fact #1: The protein/calcium contained in dairy products like milk is not able to be fully absorbed by our bodies. To me this makes sense, because if you think about it, just as human breast milk was made for human babies, cow milk was made for calves...not humans.

Fun-Fact #2: Our bodies actually absorb calcium and protein more easily from fruits and veggies. When you eat these foods, not only are you getting the nutrients your body needs, but you are also leaving out the "harmful" properties found in
meat/dairy/processed foods.

Fun-Fact #3: Cancer, among other health issues, has been linked to the consumption of dairy products.

Now, having said all of that, please know that I am not saying this diet is for everyone. We are all called to different things. I am not saying this is the ONLY GOOD diet out there either. I am just simply sharing with you some insights that I found out about the Vegan diet. I truly find it to be beneficial for our bodies. Please, please feel free to share your wisdom on this topic. I love learning more about diets and ways we can nourish our body.

I hope that you all have a wonderful Tuesday!



  1. It’s crazy when you actually look into foods and the affects they have in our bodies!

    1. YES! It certainly is. It's so interesting to look into all of the affects it has on our bodies. Food can be a natural medicine for our bodies- depending on what food you eat!


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