What Is Your Burden?

We all have crosses we bare at various points or seasons in our lives. God chooses to send each one of us a unique suffering. He does this to make us depend on Him more, hoping that we draw nearer to Him. He wants us to desire Him; He wants us to seek Him...& to show Him our faith and the love we have for Him, even when life is not enjoyable.

He wants us to sacrifice for Him, just as He did for us. Look at your cross as an opportunity for growth. It is a humbling process that will bring you closer to God...& in the end, that's where we want to be.

God made YOU & permitted your circumstances for a reason. He loves you so much that He sacrificed everything for you...& yet He STILL desires you. He is calling. It's up to you to respond. Will you? We must embrace our callings...embrace the season we are in, even when it's hard!

If you are in need of a little encouragement, please consider clicking the link below. It was produced by Ascension Presents. It is a video by Father Mike Schmidtz, a very inspirational priest/speaker. 

 Father Mike Schmidtz: What is Your Burden?

Deuteronomy 31:8
The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
